Frequently asked questions
Q. Is this different from the Roseburg Indian Booster Club?
A. The Booster Club began in 1980 and supported various programs and scholarships at Roseburg High School for many years. The Booster Club name was changed and the organization was restructured into the Roseburg High School Foundation in 2017.
Q. Who is involved?
A. Booster Club officers worked for approximately one year to research other school foundations, planning a trajectory toward a sustainable future for the organization and draft documents to complete this transition. Additional community members and alumni were recruited to comprise a new board of directors for the Roseburg High School Foundation.
Q. Why the change?
A. Initially, activities of the original Roseburg Indian Boosters Club were primarily directed to supporting athletics. In the early 1990s, due to the foresight of a group of devoted club members and the school principal at the time, the club’s focus expanded to include support for additional school activities, classroom programs and scholarships. There was a large, active membership and many volunteers were involved in club projects such as athletic photos, selling spirit items, organizing rooter buses, planning a banquet, etc.
As society has changed, many traditional clubs have experienced dwindling membership and participation in recent years, and the Booster Club is no different. The hands-on activities that it was known for could not be supported with the limited membership. Transitioning to a Foundation is really about the next growth step for the organization, taking into account the busy lives of people who are still committed to the success of Roseburg High School students and who wish to broaden both the support base as well as the impact of distributed funds.
Q. How is the Foundation different?
A. As outlined in our bylaws, the Roseburg High School Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of directors (7 to 25 people, primarily serving 3-year terms, meeting at least quarterly). The Foundation aims to serve as a vehicle for securing and distributing financial resources to advance all aspects of Roseburg High School: academics, athletics, and facilities. It will be a place for individual and corporate donations (including bequests) and will steward those funds into a base of support for RHS students today and into the future.
Instead of soliciting annual “memberships” as the Booster Club did every fall, the Foundation will utilize targeted communication with alumni, community members, businesses, the media and other potential donors to tell the Roseburg High School story, describe the vision, explain the needs and invite contributions. Board members will have responsibilities to serve on a variety of committees including Executive Committee, Finance/Fund Development Committee, Nomination Committee, Grants/Scholarship Committee and Public Relations Committee.
Q. When did this change take effect?
A. The board members of the Roseburg High School Foundation approved new bylaws on September 12, 2017. Official recognition came from the Oregon Secretary of State in late October and the announcement of the change was sent to the community in a press release on November 8, 2017.
Q. How do I get in touch with someone?
A. Email: or mail: PO Box 2084, Roseburg OR 97470