RHS Foundations announces 2018 scholarships
Pictured in the RHS Career Center are (seated) Erin Ware, Jenna Smith, Grace Harker; (standing) Alison Forsloff, Madison Coffey and Hannah Wicks. Alexandria Cortes and Madison Severson unfortunately missed the photo due to participating in the Blood Drive that morning.
APRIL 25, 2018
Contact: Karen Goirigolzarri, 541-430-4142, Kgoirigolzarri35@gmail.com
RHS Foundation announces 2018 scholarship winners
The Roseburg High School Foundation announces eight student winners in the first year of scholarship awards made by the newly reorganized independent, nonprofit organization, formerly the Roseburg Indian Booster Club.
Karen Goirigolzarri, Foundation vice-president and chair of the Scholarship Committee, congratulated the winners at a gathering in the RHS Career Center on Wednesday. Students submitted applications in March including information about their GPA, school/community activities, career aspirations and letters of recommendation. After its review process, the Foundation awarded 2 scholarships at $1,000 each and 6 at $500 each:
Jenna Smith was selected winner of the $1000 Forever RHS scholarship based on her essay answering the question, “What does being an RHS Indian mean to you?”
Grace Harker was awarded a $1000 RHS Foundation scholarship and the following students each won $500 Foundation scholarships to assist with their post-high school education: Madison Coffey, Alexandria Cortes, Alison Forsloff, Madison Severson, Erin Ware, and Hannah Wicks.
The mission of the Roseburg High School Foundation is to secure and distribute financial resources for students, faculty, and staff of Roseburg High School in their efforts to enhance and improve educational opportunities through academics, art, athletics, clubs and other activities closely associated with Roseburg High School.
The Foundation seeks to grow its funding base by connecting with RHS alumni and other interested individuals and business owners who would like to help make more scholarships available to graduating seniors, as well as program/activity grants to classroom teachers and staff. For more information, visit www.roseburghighschoolfoundation or email roseburghighschoolfoundation@gmail.com.