RHS Foundation Names Future First Citizen Semi-Finalists

Winner Will Be Announced at RHSF Scholarship Night March 17, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2020

Contact: Brian Prawitz, President - (541) 643-1085

(Roseburg, OR) – Five Roseburg High School seniors have been chosen as the semi-finalists for the 2020 Future First Citizen Award. The outstanding students will share $26,000 in scholarship money, with the winner earning $10,000 toward tuition at the college of their choice. The remaining four finalists will each receive $4,000 scholarships.

The award recognizes five top seniors as future leaders, volunteers, supporters, and role models who will make a difference in their community.

The Roseburg High School Foundation is proud to announce (in random order): Brighid Rickman, Ashtyn Hooten, Colby Fairbairn, Quinlan Wedge, and Isabelle Hervey as the Future First Citizen semi-finalists for 2020.

The students will be interviewed by a panel that includes a representative from the Roseburg High School Foundation, a past winner of the Future First Citizen award, and three local business leaders who have donated to the scholarship fund.

The winner will be announced at the Inaugural Roseburg High School Foundation Scholarship Night set for 5:30pm, Tuesday, March 17th at the Roseburg High Student Center. Tickets are currently on sale for $10 each and can be reserved via email at roseburghighschoolfoundation@gmail.com.

The Future First Citizen recognition and scholarship award was initiated for Roseburg High School Seniors approximately 20 years ago. It was originally designed and financially supported by a combination of local business and individuals, many of whom are supporting the return of the award with a three-year commitment. Last November the Roseburg High School Foundation Board assumed oversight of this valued recognition and announced the return of the Future First Citizen Scholarship award after a one-year hiatus.

The Roseburg High School Foundation’s mission is To enhance and improve educational opportunities by securing and distributing financial resources for students and staff at Roseburg High School. To enrich the individual and collective lives of RHS students as the future of our community.

For more information about the Roseburg High School Foundation, and for information regarding donations, visit www.roseburghighschoolfoundation.org.

Meet the Finalists:

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Brighid Rickman

Parents: David and Stacey Rickman

GPA: 4.00

College Plans: Oregon State Honors, Stanford University

Area of Study: Medicine

Career Goals: Emergency Physician

Activities/Honors: Red Cross Blood Drives, Distinguished Young Woman of Oregon, National Honor Society Vice President, Brain Bowl Vice President, Interact, Link Crew, Volunteer for Friends of Umpqua Valley K9 and Festival of Trees, 4 years with RHS Swim Team, Three-Time Academic Feather Recipient.

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Colby Fairbairn

Parents: Drew and Stacie Fairbairn

GPA: 3.93

College Plans: Oregon State University

Area of Study: Environmental Economics and Policy and Political Science

Career Goals: Civil Lawyer, Agricultural Lobbyist/Lawyer

Activities: 4 Years in Roseburg FFA Leadership, current FFA President. Umpqua FFA District Secretary, past Treasurer. National Honor Society, RHS Cross Country, 4-H member for 9 years. Three-Time Academic Feather Recipient.

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Ashtyn Hooten

Parents: Joe and Karlyn Hooten

GPA: 3.98

College Plans: University of Oregon

Area of Study: Double-major in history and anthropology

Career Goals: Archaeology and eventually in museum curating

Activities/Honors: Volunteer at Douglas County Museum and Fullerton IV Elementary School, gave time feeding the homeless, Member of Interact, National Honor Society, RYLA, FCCLA, Link Crew, and Umpqua Valley Youth Orchestra. Founder of the popular Peanut Butter Club.

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Quinlan Wedge

Parents: Rachel Jackson & Jeremy Wedge

GPA: 4.00

College Plans: Western Oregon University

Area of Study: Double major in education, and art and design with minors in educational psychology, English, and art history.

Career Goals: High School Art Teacher

Activities: National Honor Society President, Key Club President, and leadership positions with UDub Club and Math Club. Led effort to paint 1,000-foot mural at RHS. Varsity Girls Lacrosse for three years. Three-Time Academic Feather Recipient.

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Isabelle Hervey

Parents: Gregg and Sharon Hervey

GPA: 4.00

College Plans: Undecided

Area of Study: Education or Engineering

Career Goals: Teaching, STEM Outreach

Activities: RHS ASB President, National Honor Society, Senior ballet student at Chitwood School of Dance, FCCLA Gold Medal for “Focus on Children”, Christmas for Kids, Link Crew, RHS Yearbook, Led Girls Scout Troop to earning dance badge, Three-Time Academic Feather Recipient.